Revlon Renovations

Trials, tribulations, tips and tricks of a (single) home makeover maven.

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My life according to Pinterest

Pinterest definition

So most of the above definition fits my relationship with Pinterest, except that I actually attempt a ton of the crafts/DIY ideas that I find, probably too many attempts actually. See, before Pinterest I never had much interest in redesigning lamp shades or making sock monkey wine bottle holders. Now, I spend countless dollars and endless hours buying supplies and making things that I may never use, just so I can say “I saw this on Pinterest!”

I think there should be a website dedicated to ideas that people find on Pinterest, and their failed or successful attempts to do it themselves. Something like “Pinterest Challenge” would fit the bill.

Until then, I’ll just continue to post my own Pinterest Challenges here and show off my successful (or not-so-successful) attempts at the DIY projects I find during my 5-6 hours per day Pinterest binges. 🙂

Revlon Renovation

What exactly is a ‘Revlon Renovation’ you ask?

One could consider any renovation done by a woman, a Revlon Renovation. The brand Revlon is generally associated with women, hence the tie-in to the female gender. But personally I call some of my renovations ‘Revlon Renovations’ because historically, most of my reno’s have been used as makeup to cover a blemish…just enough to make it look pretty for a short period of time.

Revlon renovations aren’t necessarily easy however. Heck, does looking like this every day appear easy?

Sometimes it takes a lot of sweat equity to create a masterful Revlon renovation. Here are a few examples of my own RR’s:

  • Painted light switch plates
  • Home made sofa cover
  • Adhesive Vinyl Tile (over top of current ugly vinyl tile)
  • Chalkboard paint (to cover anything and everything)
  • Painted counter tops to cover hideous laminate.

What are some of yours?

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